Song. White Glazed Cup

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Song. White Glazed Cup

Auction Information

Product:Song. White Glazed Cup


Starting Price:AED:310,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:4cm D:7cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Sky blue glaze is a high-temperature glaze that uses cobalt oxide as the colorant, belonging to a type of blue glaze. Due to its cobalt content being less than 1%, the glaze color is light and presents the color of the sky, hence the name Sky blue glaze. The creation and firing era of Tianlan glaze is currently controversial. Although there are fragments of Xuande style Tianlan glaze artifacts unearthed from the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Factory site, their glaze color is impure and no physical objects have been passed down. Therefore, they may be defective products produced by firing Jilan glaze. At present, the relatively mature technology of sky blue glazed utensils appeared during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. The firing time was mainly concentrated in the Kangxi, Yongqian, and Qianlong dynasties, but gradually declined. Moreover, their quantity was very small, making them rare compared to other colored glazes. The Kangxi Heavenly Blue Glaze ware has a light blue glaze color, which is smooth and elegant. It is commonly seen in small furnishings such as plum vases and water washing, or in stationery. It is an unparalleled treasure of the Xi Dynasty porcelain. During the Yongzheng period, the sky blue glaze had a more sophisticated technology based on the previous dynasty, with a more elegant color tone and a uniform and flat glaze, representing the highest level of porcelain industry in the Qing Dynasty. Its quality was difficult to match in later generations. This product is one of the best of its kind in the Yongzheng Dynasty. Its shape, glaze, color, and style are all distinct from the times. It has been passed down for nearly three hundred years and remains intact, which is a great blessing.