Qing Kangxi Yellow Glazed Deer Head Double Ear Zun

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Qing Kangxi Yellow Glazed Deer Head Double Ear Zun

Auction Information

Product:Qing Kangxi Yellow Glazed Deer Head Double Ear Zun


Starting Price:AED:260,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:23cm C:11cm D:18cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Yellow glaze is one of the important varieties of iron crystal glaze in ancient China, belonging to high-temperature yellow glaze, which is fired by high-temperature reduction flame. Yellow glaze was first fired in the Ming Dynasty, and was extensively fired in the Yaozhou kiln. During the Tang and Song dynasties, it was also fired in the Hunyuan kiln in Shanxi and some kilns in the northern region that fired inner glaze. Common products include holding pots, jars, and bowls. Jars, cups, and the like. During the Qing Dynasty, imitation firing in Jingdezhen was very successful, becoming a precious variety of colored glaze. Most of the yellow glazes fired during the Qing Dynasty in Jingdezhen were decorated with carved utensils Assets. From the perspective of handed down objects, products from the Ming Hongzhi and Kangyongqian periods are more common, while Kangxi yellow glaze is also less produced, rarer, and more collectible.