A pair of Ming Dynasty Chenghua annual blue and white seaweed cups

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A pair of Ming Dynasty Chenghua annual blue and white seaweed cups

Auction Information

Product:A pair of Ming Dynasty Chenghua annual blue and white seaweed cups


Starting Price:AED:36,140,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:4cm C:9cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This artwork has a straight mouth, deep abdomen, circular feet, and blue and white patterns of lotus and seaweed. The painting layout is fresh and clear, with light strokes and soft lines. The lotus and seaweed patterns are agile and elegant, with a profound artistic conception. Its thin glaze is fine and warm, like jade, and can be transparent. The glaze is pure, white and plump, with a unique glaze that is as smooth as condensed fat. The blue and white hair color is pure, bright and peaceful, and the bottom inscription is "Da Ming Cheng Hua Nian Zhi". Cheng Hua blue and white are equal blue materials, with a pure color, Featuring typical characteristics of official kilns during the Chenghua period, it is exquisite to the extreme, and the crown of the kilns is timeless, making it a model of Chinese aesthetics. It is highly praised by later generations!