Qing Qianlong Blue and White Lotus Pattern Hexagonal Ear Vase

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Qing Qianlong Blue and White Lotus Pattern Hexagonal Ear Vase

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Blue and White Lotus Pattern Hexagonal Ear Vase


Starting Price:AED:2,150,000

Transaction Price:AED:6,000,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Qing Qing Qianlong Blue and white lotus-wrapped six-square ear-piercing bottle, this product is made of the mouth, neck, neck set symmetry ear, broken shoulders, six-square abdomen and bottom inward, under the high circle foot. Its modelling namely takes the law bronze sacrificial vessel, the dignified atmosphere, the line is graceful smooth, simple and elegant. Inside and outside the bottle with transparent glaze, underglaze with blue and white decoration. Up to six stories. Mouth along, Shin, foot wall were painted with a pattern, through the set of flowers, water pattern. The shoulders and abdomen are decorated with twigs and lotus patterns. The branches are luxuriant and full of flowers. The whole piece of blue and white color level distinct, appropriate shade, elegant gas enlivened in front of, craftsmen uncanny craft performance incisively and vividly