Pink Samsung

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Pink Samsung

Auction Information

Product:Pink Samsung


Starting Price:AED:250,000

Transaction Price:AED:300,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Qianlong era. This product has a luxurious mouth, a neckband, a sloping shoulder, an arched abdomen, and a bottom inward collection. The lower part of the bottle has a digging style circular foot, and the feet are trimmed neatly. The matrix is compact and pure white, with transparent glaze applied throughout the body, and the glaze surface is glossy. The abdomen is painted with a three star pattern in pink, and the center of the image should be Lu Xing, which is different from the common image of officials wearing long legged Fu Tou. He is high in a bun, wears a golden crown, has a kind face, wears a light green long shirt, is covered in a pink robe, and is adorned with rouge, water, and dragon patterns. He wears a gold ring on the neck and holds Ruyi in his right hand, which is the identity symbol of Lu Xing. On the left side is a lucky star, wearing a soft footed Futou on his head and a flower on his temples. He has a kind and eye-catching appearance and is wearing a light yellow long shirt, covered in a gray robe with lotus patterns on the branches. He holds a Ganoderma lucidum in his left hand and a vertical axis in his right hand.