Qing Qianlong Blue and White Gold Painted Pink Fanliantuo Eight Treasure Pattern Benba Bottle

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Qing Qianlong Blue and White Gold Painted Pink Fanliantuo Eight Treasure Pattern Benba Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Blue and White Gold Painted Pink Fanliantuo Eight Treasure Pattern Benba Bottle


Starting Price:AED:6,800,000

Transaction Price:AED:8,200,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Benba "is a transliteration of Tibetan, and the Sanskrit pronunciation is" Junzhi ", which means" bottle "in Tibetan. As a water purifying kettle used for storing water in Tibetan Buddhism Buddhist activities, the "Ben Ba kettle" is mostly made of gold, silver and copper. This "Bi Ba" can be roughly divided into two types: a mouth without a mouth: a spout without a handle, and when used, holding the neck of the pot, it is called a Bi Ba pot; The non flowing mouth, also known as the Benba bottle, is used to hold water and purify the body, and "all Buddha's hands fill its top"; Or used for "planting grass" to worship Buddha, commonly known as "hidden grass pot". Benba kettle (bottle) refers to those with flow as the kettle, those without flow as the bottle, and those with flow are more common, while those without flow are rare.