Ming and Chenghua Colorful Dragon Pattern Heaven shaped Jars

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Ming and Chenghua Colorful Dragon Pattern Heaven shaped Jars

Auction Information

Product:Ming and Chenghua Colorful Dragon Pattern Heaven shaped Jars


Starting Price:AED:4,390,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:12cm WT:375.20g

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The relics of feudal society, “Spring Palace” popular in all periods, known as textbooks. Ming Chenghua dynasty, most of the popular objects in the painting, the pot inside the bottle to see more. Painting first-class, character posture, fine brushwork such as micro, moving heart can not be spoken, the royal palace exclusive things can not be observed! The chief ancestor of the erotic art industry is the emperor, who uses pictures as a guide. During Chenghua's reign, Prime Minister Wan'an became obsessed with the art of chamber surgery and erotic art. He brought these things into the palace to share with the emperor, and gained the favor and trust of Chenghua Emperor. The two pictures of“Spring Palace” in the jar with dragon pattern are skillful and vivid.