Huang Jiannan Embroiders China

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Huang Jiannan Embroiders China

Auction Information

Product:Huang Jiannan Embroiders China


Starting Price:AED:90,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:W:24cm H:55cm B:18.5cm C:18.5cm WT:6500g

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Mr. Huang Jiannan, a famous artist, is dedicated to celebrating the completion of the China Aerospace Heavenly Palace Space Station by creating a porcelain vase titled 'Splendid China'. Draw the auction of 52.9 million yuan for "The Promising Future" and 3.13 million yuan for "Origin" created by oneself on top of one statue. Taking the beautiful mountains and rivers as the main body, it incorporates various strongly contrasting artistic styles, such as the changing stars and the rotation of the sun and moon. While presenting a thriving scene in the painting, it conveys objects such as mountains and the moon, all of which are integrated into this porcelain vase. Each work has an independent registration number, and a Hurun Art List certificate, an appraisal certificate issued by Guobo, and a declaration certificate issued by Mr. Huang Jiannan are issued. The authoritative guarantee is that the collection value and investment value are immeasurable!