Qing Dynasty Enamel Colorful Turquoise Glaze Entangled Branch Flower Pattern Conjunction Bundle Bottle

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Qing Dynasty Enamel Colorful Turquoise Glaze Entangled Branch Flower Pattern Conjunction Bundle Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Dynasty Enamel Colorful Turquoise Glaze Entangled Branch Flower Pattern Conjunction Bundle Bottle


Starting Price:AED:640,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:C:18cm H:29cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Qing dynasty enamel colored turquoise glaze twining flower pattern conjoined bundle bottle, this bottle body is double-connected, wash mouth, neck, high bottle side with red tiger gilt for two ears, round drum belly, lower abdomen draw in, circle foot slightly outside, short bottle as a supplement. Exquisite design, beautiful shape. The edges and mouth are coated with turquoise glaze and enamel tonal body. Inside the bottle and inside the foot are glazed with turquoise. The outside of the bottle is painted with turquoise as the main part of enamel. The left and right sides of the bottle are interlaced with each other in color from mouth to foot. Painting Flowers on the ground in rolling colors has the effect of painting enamel on copper. The waist with coral red heap plastic body, with painted gold flowers for support. Also because of“Baggage” and“Bao fu” homophonic, meaning happiness and good luck. Therefore, the package bottle with its unique shape, beautiful decorative patterns, beautiful implication, the royal court became a common royal objects, but also the later competing imitation of the fine. Outsole signed blue and white“Yongzheng imperial system” Four-character blue and white regular script.