Qing Qianlong Western Colored Rouge Purple Earth Treasure Flower Hollow Large Plate

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Qing Qianlong Western Colored Rouge Purple Earth Treasure Flower Hollow Large Plate

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Western Colored Rouge Purple Earth Treasure Flower Hollow Large Plate


Starting Price:AED:6,500,000

Transaction Price:AED:7,200,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This product size huge, unique shape, folding hollow, drum round belly, high circle foot. The body cover is carmine-colored, with a geometric diamond-shaped plate in the center and a wreath of passionflower and red bat around it. A circle of flowers and leaves on the ornament of the ornament is added at the base of the ornament, with a wide band and a round hole carved on the edge, painted with alum ribbon phase system, frame decorated with clouds and leaves. Bottom alum red color book“Qing Qianlong year system” seal. This product on the edge of the implementation of hollow-out process and in the firing process does not occur deformation is rare, quite see power.