Pink colored blooming peony flower pattern bowl

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Pink colored blooming peony flower pattern bowl

Auction Information

Product:Pink colored blooming peony flower pattern bowl


Starting Price:AED:1,500,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:D:13cm H:6cm ring foot D:5cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Qing qianlong enamel carmine carmine carmine to carmine this product for the ground, the four-carmine internal painting of the four seasons flower patterns (peony, orchid grass, chrysanthemum, ?) , painted between the two-color lotus patterns. The body is white, the composition is balanced, the color is suitable, specially takes the precious carmine in the enamel color as the color ground. Base for the typical imperial enamel color four-word blue pattern“Emperor Qianlong imperial system.”. This product is made from the finest white foetuses of Jingdezhen, painted with enamel by court painters and made in imperial kilns inside the Forbidden City. In fact, the emperor Qianlong made enamel color in the rare goods.