Qing Qianlong Enamel Colored Elephant Ear Window Opening Figure Bottle

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Qing Qianlong Enamel Colored Elephant Ear Window Opening Figure Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Enamel Colored Elephant Ear Window Opening Figure Bottle


Starting Price:AED:850,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:51cm C:15cm B:17cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


“Porcelain enamel is the most distinctive of the Qing dynasty's self-use porcelain, the most exquisite glazed porcelain. To the Qianlong period of the Qing dynasty exquisite and complex, elegant, so that enamel on porcelain was vividly displayed. This“Qianlong years of the Qing dynasty” enamel window figures elephant ear vase, is very difficult to meet a treasure, with a very high collection value