Enamel colored tangled branches, flowers, multi-level blooming, alum red painted gold, four legged dragon pattern, royal official hat rack

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Enamel colored tangled branches, flowers, multi-level blooming, alum red painted gold, four legged dragon pattern, royal official hat rack

Auction Information

Product:Enamel colored tangled branches, flowers, multi-level blooming, alum red painted gold, four legged dragon pattern, royal official hat rack


Starting Price:AED:1,600,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:33.5cm B:13cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This collection is 33.5 cm high and 13 cm long at the bottom. It is the highest area of porcelain. It has a complete appearance, it's a royal device. It is the jewel of the world.