Qing Qianlong Pine Stone Green Space Ocean Colorful Blooming Imperial Poetry Four Seasons Flower Picture Vase

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Qing Qianlong Pine Stone Green Space Ocean Colorful Blooming Imperial Poetry Four Seasons Flower Picture Vase

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Pine Stone Green Space Ocean Colorful Blooming Imperial Poetry Four Seasons Flower Picture Vase


Starting Price:AED:6,560,000

Transaction Price:AED:7,800,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


“The year of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing dynasty” is written in a single-line seal script with a flat back for hanging. Pinch mouth, neck, abdomen circle to the bottom gradually. Under the ring foot outside the prime, unique design, exquisite technology. The outer wall is covered with a light green glaze. The glaze is clean and beautiful. It is decorated with a pastel-colored pattern. The mouth and shin are decorated with the patterns of cloud head and banana leaves respectively. The neck is decorated with passionflower with the name of Red Bat, the abdomen to do the square wo angle painted gold to open the light, its inner cover with white glaze, to do poetry and prose to official script, the outer edge of the ring is decorated with pastel flowers twining patterns. The patterns are continuous, meticulous and highly effective. The painting is complex yet rigorous, and the decoration style is quite western. The depth and lustre of the patterns are used to express the light and dark, and to highlight the sense of three-dimensional and level, vivid and realistic, and the green glaze Qingyan contrast, gorgeous and not vulgar, Yan and not mei, fresh and pleasing to the eye, the more natural and elegant collocation. The Six-character character seal on the base of the ware is the color book“Qianlong year of the Qing dynasty”. The origin of the wall vase originated from the wall vase flower arrangement of the Five Dynasties Court. “Every spring when Empress Li wins, the pilasters of Liang Dong's windows are arched and filled with mixed flowers. In his “Eight notes on Zunsheng”, Gao Lian wrote, “Pin a copper hook on the back post of the bed, hang a vase on the wall, arrange flowers at four seasons, make a flower companion, fill the bed with fragrance, and the God lying on the bed is happy, in summer and winter. In the Qing dynasty, Emperor Qianlong, who called himself a“Scholar”, was particularly fond of small and delicate wall bottles, which adorned the palace. Fourteen wall-hanging bottles were found in the Sanxi Hall of the Palace Museum. And repeatedly praised the poems and articles, this product imperial title of the poem is this example from the“Qing file” can be known that the appreciation of the bottle of firing, are made by the court porcelain samples, and Jingdezhen imperial kiln for the palace firing wall bottles