Chang Yu's Five Naked Girls in the 1950s

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Chang Yu's Five Naked Girls in the 1950s

Auction Information

Product:Chang Yu's Five Naked Girls in the 1950s


Starting Price:HKD 190,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 303,900,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Fri

Auction Company:Hong Kong Christie\'s


The Five Naked Women "is not only the largest scale nude oil painting created by Chang Yu, but also the work with the largest number of characters. Among the more than 50 paintings he left behind, almost all were beautiful women lying in bed, and standing nude women were extremely rare in his artistic career.
The leftmost woman's body is stretched out, while the second left woman is about to leave, creating a warm and poetic tone in the painting: a contrast between stillness and motion. The woman in the middle is about to take a step, forming a subtle contrast with the movement of the right two women resting on their backs.
The woman on the far right is the only back turn position, and the other women seem out of place
The squirrel on the lower left and the cat playing on the lower right are Chang Yu's usual techniques,
implying the gentle, gentle, and delicate nature of women, playing a decorative role.