Zao Wou-Ki made 20.03.60 in 1960

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Zao Wou-Ki made 20.03.60 in 1960

Auction Information

Product:Zao Wou-Ki made 20.03.60 in 1960


Starting Price:HKD 48000000

Transaction Price:HKD 114,827,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Thu

Auction Company:Sotheby\'s in Hong Kong


20.03.60 was born in 1960. At this time, Zao Wou-Ki was returning to Paris after completing his global travel. During his journey, he was not only stirred by the Abstract expressionism style of the United States after the war, but also met his second wife, Meiqin. The collision of hot love and new art forms gave the artist a continuous creative power and more boldly invested in the future. The painting style took this as a watershed to trace the mysterious symbols of ancient times from the "Oracle Bone Inscription Period", Entering the freer and vaster intangible universe of the 'Wild Grass Era', the painting industry is at its peak, moving forward with great speed. Zao Wou-Ki held exhibitions in galleries and museums in France and many European countries under the help of Mian Prevo, director of the French Gallery in Paris.