Gerhard Richter made sulfur in 1985

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Gerhard Richter made sulfur in 1985

Auction Information

Product:Gerhard Richter made sulfur in 1985


Starting Price:HKD 80,000,000-100,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 118,115,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Thu

Auction Company:Sotheby\'s in Hong Kong


Sulphur "was created in 1985 and is a masterpiece at the museum level, marking the beginning of Gerhard Richter's classic" Abstract Painting "series. This masterpiece is outstanding in its size (over three meters long), with intricate composition, vibrant colors, and rich texture. This work has a large number of exhibitions and literature records.
Richter's exquisite and proficient painting ability is fully demonstrated in "Sulfur": the translucent white color blocks in the upper half of the screen; The right side is pushed in black and red by scraping ink; And the strong and bold green stripes floating in the middle of the screen. Sulfur also showcases Richter's exceptional compositional talent: the undisturbed yellow green negative space in the left half of the canvas contrasts sharply with the dynamic and interactive colorful blocks on the right half of the canvas.
The market for Richter's paintings continues to grow, especially with a high demand for the large scale "Abstract Painting" series. Abstract paintings from the early to mid-1980s are particularly sought after by collectors in the current market.