Yoshitomo Nara worked as Barak in Berlin in 2007, Room 1

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Yoshitomo Nara worked as Barak in Berlin in 2007, Room 1

Auction Information

Product:Yoshitomo Nara worked as Barak in Berlin in 2007, Room 1


Starting Price:HKD 38,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 120,000,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Thu

Auction Company:Poly Hong Kong


Children, music, girls, wooden houses The fairy tale hero who often accompanies Yoshitomo Nara, in the perfect field where the artist personally participates in the design and construction, the summit event - the large-scale housing installation "Berlin Barak, Room 1" has therefore become an unprecedented creation in the global contemporary art world, and also the most unique art declaration of Yoshitomo Nara.
The Greenhouse Girl and The Three sisters (Berlin Version) placed therein are respectively expressed in different media materials such as canvas and wood board, which run through the most important creative core of Yoshitomo Nara in theme and expression method. The display is inside and outside, and the content is static and dynamic, which is the epitome of his graphic painting department; Berlin Barak, Room 1 "is not only a unique space tailored by artists for their paintings, but also a large-scale installation that interacts closely with the time and space, historical background, and audience during the overall execution process. From this point of view, Nara's starting point has gone beyond the geographical barrier and time limit. We were invited to enter the house with the moving line. His plane painting is no longer only a single perspective. The broad vision and macro perspective of his works stereoscopically project the rich accumulation of Yoshitomo Nara's thirty years of creative career. In this spiritual field, we can extend our vision and sense to get unprecedented resonance.
The warm and cold color of the girl's eyes is not the artist's original intention to open the heterochromatic pupil to add visual vitality. It is an extension of the concept of yearning for peace for a long time. In 2005, in order to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bombing in Japan, Yoshitomo Nara once painted the mushroom shaped cloud of explosion inside the iris of the girl's right eye in the work; Two years later, 'Greenhouse Girl' was born when the series reached its peak, with a deep blue left eye that resembled the moon and stars at night; The right eye is shining brightly, as if the morning light is shining everywhere; The differences in eyelashes, internal color dots, and external shape, as well as the subtle details, make the originally static image's emotions tremble slightly; The eyes are thus like what Hidoya Meixiang, the Principal investigator of the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, analyzed when discussing the heterochromatic eyes of Nara's recent works: "Their faces contain the time elements that combine into multiple expressions through different moments." The eyes of Greenhouse Girl carry the change and change of time sequence, and pursed up her lips. We hope to know her next expression. Nara uses the girl's cool and cute to explain the complexity of human nature, Regardless of age, race, or gender, every individual with different life experiences can find their own home and read out their own emotions from her.