Jean Michel Baschia wrote Untitled in 1982

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Jean Michel Baschia wrote Unti<x>tled in 1982

Auction Information

Product:Jean Michel Baschia wrote Untitled in 1982


Starting Price:HKD 140,000-170,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 234,290,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Wed

Auction Company:Hong Kong Christie


Untitled "(1982) is undoubtedly the pinnacle of Jean Michel Baschia's artistic career, standing out among his most representative and magnificent works. The whole board is nearly two meters high. Baschia paints and collages on it to his heart's content, drawing a tall and eye-catching red figure, holding his hands high in the air in a victory posture, wearing a halo or a Crown of thorns. Blue, yellow, and white flames burn fiercely in the background, leaving a black shadow on the right side of the frame. The picture is full of tension, rich layers, and full of dynamism. There are several places in the picture where Baschia cuts through thick paint, revealing a black primer. The curved black lines surround the character's arms and halos, while the black and white circular oil stick lines pass through the red body, as if drawing the entire skeleton and muscles. As highlighted by the title of this work, Baschia attached a photocopy of his own painting to shape the character's face and further applied markings, such as white around his one eyed area. This kind of Xerox collage painting is very rare in Baschia's early works, but it will appear frequently in the future. This work may be the most impressive one in his entire series of works using this painting method. At the bottom right of the screen, Baschia combines his famous crown symbol with another one eyed symbol to form a huge white symbol, emphasizing the visual effect of the entire work. The entire work stands before us in a majestic and majestic manner, perfectly showcasing Baschia's superb control over color and form. The characters in the painting wear a mysterious smile, revealing red and green teeth and a wide grin. He seemed to be inspecting his own kingdom, becoming the embodiment of the ancient proverb "In the kingdom of the blind, one eyed is king