Francis Bacon's Three Portraits of Lucien Freud

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Francis Bacon's Three Portraits of Lucien Freud

Auction Information

Product:Francis Bacon's Three Portraits of Lucien Freud


Starting Price:USD 24,000,000

Transaction Price:USD 30,000,000

Specification:35.6 by 30.5 cm.

Auction Time:23-Jul-Tue

Auction Company:New York Sotheby\'s


This work was created in 1964, at the peak of the artist's career and friendship with Freud. They met twenty years ago and developed an inseparable relationship thereafter; Freud became one of the most important themes in Bacon's works in the 1960s. During this period, Bacon's creative power and confidence were surging, creating one masterpiece after another. However, in the 1980s, their deep friendship was shrouded in competition, and the two became sworn enemies due to jealousy and personal differences.