Jean Michel Baschia (1960 1988) "The Leader"

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Jean Michel Baschia (1960 1988) "The Leader"

Auction Information

Product:Jean Michel Baschia (1960 1988) "The Leader"


Starting Price:RMB :80,000,000 - 120,000,000

Transaction Price:RMB 94,160,000

Specification:152.4 x 152.4 cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Fri

Auction Company:Shanghai Christie


Il Duce "is an important work created by Baschia in 1982, inspired by Baschia's legendary journey to Modena, Italy. The highly personalized avatar in the golden background showcases the artist's most representative artistic style. The dramatic and passionate markings in the painting fill this mysterious character with a primitive and heartfelt sense of energy, presenting a multifaceted painting full of mysterious meanings and personal associations, reflecting Baschia's development of portrait painting to a new stage as a new generation of artists of that era, Witnessed the superb artistic achievements of artists, as well as the shining leadership style of the era.
Since Baschia began depicting the iconic crown in his works, he has been extremely fascinated by gold, and 'The Leader' is an excellent continuation of this work. The artist combines vibrant brushstrokes, rich texture layers, and multi-level painting and repainting patterns with a golden tone and unique painting style, showcasing Baschia's unique confidence and maturity during this important period of his artistic career, becoming an astonishing representative work of artists.