Nara Meizhi's "In the Milky White Lake"

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Nara Meizhi's "In the Milky White Lake"

Auction Information

Product:Nara Meizhi's "In the Milky White Lake"


Starting Price:HKD 60,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 100,555,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Fri

Auction Company:Sotheby


Created in 2012, "In the Milky White Lake" has a grand scale, originating from the mature period of Nara Meizhi's artistic creation. During this period, Nara's portrait paintings became more delicate and profound in emotions, and this work is an excellent example of this period.

The big eyed girl is Nara's most classic theme. In this work, the little girl wearing a green dress exudes a faint radiance on a plain background. The girl stands in the sparkling lake water, her feet covered by the lake water, and the scene is meticulous.