Summary of 2023 Master Works Transaction Records in Habsburg - Modern Calligrapher and Painter "Qi Baishi"

 Company Information     |      Habsburg International Auction    |    2024-03-29 11:28

A summary of the transaction records of master works in Habsburg in 2023, showcasing the auction situation of multiple works by Qi Baishi in Singapore and Qatar. The works include "Unfortunately Silent Flower and Bird Work Insect Handbook" and "Blooming Flowers and Fruits" with four vertical screens, and the transaction price is equivalent to millions of RMB. Habsburg International Auction Limited will hold a Chinese Collection Art Auction in Singapore in 2024, with a collection deadline of May 10, 2024.


Summary of 2023 Master Works Transaction Records in Habsburg - Modern Calligrapher and Painter "Qi Baishi"
No.1 Qi Baishi's "Unfortunately Silent Flower, Bird, Worker, and Insect Handbook"
Auction Session: September 30, 2023 Singapore Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specifications: 29 x 23 x 13cm
Starting price: SGD 5366000
Transaction price: SGD 5800000 (equivalent to RMB 31.3 million)
Collection Description: "Unfortunately Silent: Flower, Bird, and Insect Works" The thirteen page "Unfortunately Silent" is the pinnacle of Qi Baishi's artistic maturity in 1942. It is reported that the old man Baishi has a great fondness for this book and personally titled it "Unfortunately Silent", which means that the grass and insects in the painting are lifelike and vivid on paper, and their forms are incredibly lifelike. They are not inferior to the grass and insects in the real world, but unfortunately silent. Each painting has a story, although they are the most ordinary flowers, birds, plants, and insects in nature, Qi Baishi endows them with an eternal beauty. He creates a rhythm of nature and a silent movement with his sincere and spicy brushstrokes, bright and bright colors, vivid and natural shapes, as well as his innocent and childlike soul and unique imagination.


No.2 Qi Baishi's "Flowers and Fruits" vertical axis with four screens
Auction Session: September 30, 2023 Singapore Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection size: 283.8 x 54.2cm
Starting price: SGD 3350000
Transaction price: SGD 5500000 (equivalent to RMB 29.68 million)
Collection Description: This group of four paintings respectively depict millennium old peach fruit, loquat jade hairpin, pomegranate chicken crown, and grape skewers hanging. Peaches are as big as a bucket, and eating them can prolong a thousand years; There is a saying in ancient times that describes loquat: "The tree is lush with emerald leaves, and the golden pill is made of kodi." The fruit is round and golden, symbolizing a "rolling source of wealth."; Pomegranates and grapes bear numerous seeds, symbolizing "having many children and grandchildren"; The cockscomb flower and jade hairpin symbolize "promotion to higher ranks" and "elevation to wealth and status". Fruits and flowers bloom together in a hall, showcasing strong vitality, symbolizing many children and longevity, and endless blessings.
No.3 Qi Baishi's 1931 "Mountain and Water Volume"
Auction Session: September 30, 2023 Singapore Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 31.5 x 35 cm. Approximately 1 square foot (per piece)
Starting price: SGD 3500000
Transaction price: SGD 5000000 (equivalent to RMB 26.98 million)
Collection Description: Qi Baishi's copy of "Shanshui Volume" was written in the autumn of 1931 (Xin Wei, 69 years old). Each opening is 31.5 centimeters vertically and 35 centimeters horizontally, and is respectively framed as a square by collectors. In the postscript on the first page of "Chaoyang", the old man Baishi said, "This volume has twenty and four openings.". What we see is twelve Kai, and the other half is nowhere to be found.
This "Shanshui Booklet" has eight self signed titles, including "Chaoyang", "Cattle Ranging Picture", "Smoke and Sail in the Canghai Sea", "Yangxian Shanshui", "Moonlight and Quiet Time", "After Rain", "Snow on the Wasteland Mountain", and "Liupu Autumn". The four untitled paintings can be named "Ancient Wooden Crow", "Swimming Fish in the Lotus Pond", "Cormorant in the Sands", and "Family on the Mountain" based on their content. The theme of the album is largely derived from the impression of the old man Baishi's distant travels and hometown memories, while the painting rules come from the creation of previous patterns and sketches. In short, this album depicts what the old man Baishi sees and thinks, with sincere emotions and a strong sense of life, which is different from imitations that lack real feelings.
No. 4 Qi Baishi's Poetry, Literature, Landscape Painting
Auction Session: December 16, 2023 Qatar Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 36 x 119.5cm
Starting price: QAR 6200000
Transaction price: QAR 6500000 (equivalent to RMB 12.82 million)


No.5 Qi Baishi's Peach Blossom
Auction Session: June 24, 2023 Dubai - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 114 * 54cm
Starting price: AED 4800000
Transaction price: AED 5000000 (equivalent to RMB 9.79 million)


No.6 Qi Baishi's "Swarm Shrimp"
Auction Session: December 16, 2023 Qatar Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 130.5 x 33.5cm
Starting price: QAR 4290000
Transaction price: QAR 4500000 (equivalent to RMB 8.87 million)


No.7 Qi Baishi's "Peony Painting"
Auction Session: June 24, 2023 Dubai - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 69.5 * 33cm
Starting price: AED 3600000
Transaction price: AED 4000000 (equivalent to RMB 7.83 million)


No.8 Qi Baishi's "Vertical Axis of Chrysanthemum and Cordyceps Painting"
Auction Session: December 16, 2023 Qatar Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 34 x 137.9cm
Starting price: QAR 3390000
Transaction price: QAR 3500000 (equivalent to RMB 6.9 million)


No.9 Qi Baishi's "Seven Shrimps Playing in the Water"
Auction Session: September 30, 2023 Singapore Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection size: 74.6 x 42.2cm
Starting price: SGD 530000
Transaction price: SGD 650000 (equivalent to RMB 3.5 million)
No.10 Qi Baishi's "Wind Bamboo Dragonfly"
Auction Session: December 16, 2023 Qatar Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection size: 97.2 x 33.6cm
Starting price: QAR 1200000
Transaction price: QAR 1500000 (equivalent to RMB 2.95 million)


Event Name: Habsburg 2024 Singapore · China Collection Art Auction


Auctioneer: Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Collection deadline: May 10, 2024

Auction location: Banquet Hall, 4th Floor, Convention and Exhibition Center, Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore