Speculation on the production of one or two gold coins with the characters "Shuanglong Shoufu" by the Fengtian Machinery Bureau in the 20th year of the Guangxu reign

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Speculation on the production of one or two gold coins with the characters

Auction Information

Product:Speculation on the production of one or two gold coins with the characters "Shuanglong Shoufu" by the Fengtian Machinery Bureau in the 20th year of the Guangxu reign


Starting Price:GBP:410,000

Transaction Price:GBP:1,300,000

Specification:D:3.9cm WT:37g

Auction Time:24-Jan-Tue

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


A charming large gold coin. The design showcases profound auspicious symbols, with sharp inscriptions and complex and multi-layered graphics and text. There are signs of strong cleaning on both the front and back, but it has been repainted between the graphics and text, showing a light orange color. Although PCGS is marked as "damaged", after careful review, the editor still finds it difficult to detect the damage referred to by PCGS. Although there are flaws, the layout is rare.