Northern Song Dynasty Ru Kiln Sky Blue Glazed Sunflower Wash

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Northern Song Dynasty Ru Kiln Sky Blue Glazed Sunflower Wash

Auction Information

Product:Northern Song Dynasty Ru Kiln Sky Blue Glazed Sunflower Wash


Starting Price:GBP:9,900,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:24-Jan-Tue

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The Sky Blue Glazed Sunflower Wash of Ruyao in the Northern Song Dynasty is the only surviving six petal shaped basin wash of sunflowers, with a diameter of 13.5 centimeters, a six petal flower style, slightly slanted mouth, abundant on the top and converging on the bottom, and a shallow belly with thin walls. The edges are subtle, the body undulates along the edges, the circular feet are slightly tilted outward, and there are three small sesame nail marks at the bottom.