Hong Kong Commemorative Bank of China 100th Anniversary Commemorative Banknote Full page Note

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Hong Kong Commemorative Bank of China 100th Anniversary Commemorative Banknote Full page Note

Auction Information

Product:Hong Kong Commemorative Bank of China 100th Anniversary Commemorative Banknote Full page Note


Starting Price:SGD:70,000

Transaction Price:SGD:70,000

Specification:W:765mm H:459mm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The commemorative banknote has a face value of HKD 100 and is mainly colored in red, symbolizing auspiciousness, celebration, and passion. The front of the banknote features the lingering Great Wall and the magnificent Bank of China Tower in Beijing, showcasing the stability, excellence, and strength of the long-standing Bank of China. The main scenery on the back of the banknote is the international financial center of Hong Kong and the famous surface of the Bank of China Tower. Showcasing the international image of Bank of China and contributing to the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, the commemorative banknotes feature simple patterns, soft tones, and meticulous carving, making them highly valuable for collection.