The Flourishing Songs Works of Zhong Liansheng and Li Jing

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The Flourishing Songs Works of Zhong Liansheng and Li Jing

Auction Information

Product:The Flourishing Songs Works of Zhong Liansheng and Li Jing


Starting Price:SGD:3,550,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The cloisonn é vase in "Song of Prosperity" adopts a classic appreciation bottle shape, symbolizing peace in the world and expressing the Chinese people's longing and expectation for peace. The theme patterns are composed of peacocks, peonies, magnolias, and peace doves, symbolizing stability, harmony, and prosperous development in traditional Chinese culture. The tangled branches and rolled grass patterns embellished on the bottle body originated from Central Asia and the Middle East along the ancient Silk Road, and were passed down to China during the Han and Tang dynasties, gradually evolving into classic patterns of Chinese culture. This reflects the integration and coexistence of Chinese and foreign civilizations, and conveys China's concept of inclusiveness, cooperation, and win-win, which coincides with the peace and development concept advocated by the United Nations.