Ding Guanpeng's Stone Carvings Tracing the Golden Buddha Statue

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Ding Guanpeng's Stone Carvings Tracing the Golden Buddha Statue

Auction Information

Product:Ding Guanpeng's Stone Carvings Tracing the Golden Buddha Statue


Starting Price:SGD:250,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Ding Guanpeng's "Stone Carving and Golden Buddha Statue Figures" is a Qing Dynasty painter who engaged in artistic activities from the late Kangxi period to the mid Qianlong period, Shuntian (Ren). Ding Guanpeng entered the palace in the fourth year of the Yongzheng reign and became a sacrificial painter. He was skilled in painting figures, Taoist scriptures, and landscapes, as well as portraits. His painting style was neat and meticulous, and he was influenced by European painting. His younger brother Ding Guanhe also worshipped the inner court. This artwork is "Stone Carved Golden Buddha Statue Figures", which is well preserved and has historical significance and extremely high collection value!