Kalimantan Spices

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Kalimantan Spices

Auction Information

Product:Kalimantan Spices


Starting Price:SGD:1,850,000

Transaction Price:SGD:2,000,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Kalimantan agarwood is a relatively strong type of agarwood, with scarce resources and high prices. Its strong and layered aroma changes greatly, making it the one with the greatest changes in aroma among agarwood. First of all, it is sweet with the sweetness of Huian. This sweet aroma will come to your nose, making you feel a shock when you smell it. Secondly, it is the unique and deep aroma of Indonesian agarwood, with a more pronounced earthy aroma and a slight hint of earthy spiciness. The aftertaste is strong and long-lasting, with a strong vanilla aroma that is very long-lasting. Kalimantan is a model of top-quality fragrance.