A boy in Tianhuangshi, Shoushan, Qing Dynasty, washes an elephant (Royal seal)

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A boy in Tianhuangshi, Shoushan, Qing Dynasty, washes an elephant (Royal seal)

Auction Information

Product:A boy in Tianhuangshi, Shoushan, Qing Dynasty, washes an elephant (Royal seal)


Starting Price:SGD:880,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:WT:256g L:4.2cm W:4.2cm H:8.3cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The so-called gold is easy to obtain, while the Tianhuang is hard to find. The Tianhuang frozen stone, which is fine, warm, moist, greasy, condensed, and clean, has a good appearance. Holding it in your hand is like touching the skin of a baby, and it is very tender and moisturized. This washing elephant theme is a very auspicious pattern loved by the emperor himself in the Qianlong Palace. The boy's facial expression is joyful, and the clothing texture is finely portrayed, lifelike, and comprehensive, with a strong sense of imagery. The interaction between the elephant and the boy is delicate and meticulous, demonstrating great skill. The entire decoration is exquisitely carved, with children being simple and innocent, and elephants being gentle and obedient. With the theme of washing elephants, it symbolizes the homophonic sound of "happy elephants", symbolizing peace in the world and abundant grain. The design is ingenious and ingenious, making it highly valuable for collection.