Gilt white Tara sitting in bronze

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Gilt white Tara sitting in bronze

Auction Information

Product:Gilt white Tara sitting in bronze


Starting Price:SGD:330,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:21cm W:16.3cm WT:1800g

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The one who pays homage here is White Tara, also known as Moonlight Autumn Mother. The main idea of this verse is: The moon of autumn is far away from dust and clouds, and the face of the White Tara is like a hundred full moons of autumn gathered together. Her body emits a brilliant radiance, like thousands of stars converging, descending nectar from the light, dispelling the heat of all sentient beings. The decoration of the White Tara statue is extremely gorgeous, with exquisite and complex craftsmanship. The White Tara has a handsome and elegant face, with a three treasure seal on her left hand and a lotus flower standing on her shoulder, vivid and unique. Her right hand is adorned with a wish seal, and the flower shaped necklace on her chest echoes it; Wearing ribbons that hang down from both shoulders, gently swaying upwards around the arms, forming gorgeous and beautiful lines; The necklace, arm bracelet, ankle bracelet, and the bead pattern on the upper edge of the lotus are exquisitely and evenly worn, all showcasing the level of exquisite palace statues. The three-dimensional sense is strong and quite rare, and the artwork belongs to this year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty. The preservation of the appearance is excellent, and the gilded gold is as precious and rare as new ones