Lu Yanshao Gaojiang Jixia Mountain and Water Vertical Axis

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Lu Yanshao Gaojiang Jixia Mountain and Water Vertical Axis

Auction Information

Product:Lu Yanshao Gaojiang Jixia Mountain and Water Vertical Axis


Starting Price:SGD:1,080,000

Transaction Price:SGD:1,200,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Lu Yanshao is skilled in painting landscapes and is particularly adept at using his brush to express the different changes in natural mountains and rivers through the use of different techniques such as the tip, belly, and root of the brush. The lines are sparse and smooth, combining hardness and softness. Yunshui is his unparalleled skill, with a majestic and graceful sense of ups and downs. Gou Yun Gou Shui, the misty waves are vast, the clouds evaporate and mist changes endlessly, and the method of leaving large blocks of white space and ink blocks is created. He also serves as a character and a flower, and his calligraphy is unique.