Ba Da Shan Ren's "Bamboo and Stone Mandarin Ducks"

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Ba Da Shan Ren's

Auction Information

Product:Ba Da Shan Ren's "Bamboo and Stone Mandarin Ducks"


Starting Price:SGD:6,510,000

Transaction Price:SGD:7,800,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


In this work, the author uses undulating brushstrokes to outline the contours of the slope stones, using both dry and wet strokes, with rounded lines that turn to convey the meaning of seal script; The leaf surface of the leaves is first marked with light ink, then the veins are written in thick ink, and the flowers are directly marked with a pen; Birds and birds are dyed and used together, without any traces of depiction. The slope is covered with grass, with varying shades and densities; Finally, apply thick ink to mark the moss, reminding the picture to be either round or sharp, or messy or neat. The entire painting has a vertical and horizontal brushstrokes that are all pleasing to the eye, subtle and profound, without any suspicion of using sharp strokes; When using ink, the colors of thick, light, dry, wet, dry, and burnt complement each other, with a rich layering and the beauty of dividing ink into five colors.