Four screens of Qi Baishi

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Four screens of Qi Baishi

Auction Information

Product:Four screens of Qi Baishi


Starting Price:SGD:80,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Qi Baishi has four screens, with "four" as the number. "Four" has rich meanings in traditional Chinese culture, such as the four seasons, four seasons, four directions, four seas, four virtues, four truths, and four books, all of which are related to it. It also symbolizes four directions and eight directions, four peace and eight stability, and four seas and four seas rising. Whether in ancient or modern times, the "Four Screens of Mountains and Rivers" and "Four Screens of the Four Seasons" are the most beloved by famous scholars. In ancient times, emperors, generals, and high-ranking officials often placed four screens in prominent positions. The four screens not only represent a prosperous life of ancient nobles, but also showcase the pursuit and worship of an art by ancient literati and scholars through their landscapes, flowers, and birds, and traditional Chinese paintings. They embody the profound knowledge, cultural heritage, and noble moral qualities of literati and scholars. "Wanlin Mountain Residence - Great Garden" is a work of Qi Baishi in his later years, and it is also one of his large-scale landscape paintings. This work depicts a peaceful and elegant mountain dwelling scene, surrounded by mountains and rivers, towering pine and cypress trees, winding stone steps, and lush green bamboo. The garden landscape in the painting showcases Qi Baishi's unique artistic style and love for nature. Qi Baishi is good at capturing the spiritual energy of nature and emphasizes the exaggeration and deformation of images in his paintings to highlight the artistic characteristics of his works. By using concise and powerful brushstrokes, ink and light color techniques, a poetic and imaginative landscape painting is created.