Fu Baoshi's "Two Xiangs Painting"

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Fu Baoshi's

Auction Information

Product:Fu Baoshi's "Two Xiangs Painting"


Starting Price:SGD:1,980,000

Transaction Price:SGD:2,500,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Explanation: In Fu Baoshi's "Two Xiangs" painting, the pine trees are facing the wind, and the winding branches are dancing with vines. This is a Chinese ink painting, with a vivid and majestic appearance. However, it is not the main body, only serving as a backdrop and accompaniment to the main body, but occupying two-thirds of the entire picture. This is the author's bold artistic act, also known as craftsmanship, called setting risks. At the beginning, I pushed myself to a dangerous and desperate situation. Just like Mr. Pan Tianshou's setting of a giant stone that occupies most of the screen, it is not daring without unique courage.