Wu Guanzhong's "Red Plum"

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Wu Guanzhong's

Auction Information

Product:Wu Guanzhong's "Red Plum"


Starting Price:SGD:5,940,000

Transaction Price:SGD:7,000,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


"Red Plum" reflects the artist's state of being completely immersed in creation at this time. Its main color tone is bright and dazzling peach red, and the picture presents a blooming waxberry with a thick and sturdy main trunk, iron wires and golden threads on its branches, and a proud and resolute look up at the sky; Amidst the scattered plum blossoms, they are densely packed like snow and grapefruit. From a distance, they resemble a burning torch, and the fragrant scent attracts butterflies to swirl and dance, symbolizing the end of winter and the arrival of spring, and the renewal of everything. This not only visually pleasing, but also greatly inspires the viewer's heart. The focus of "Red Plum" is more on its abstract beauty. If the branches and trunks are removed, all that remains in this game will be large bright red and green dots, a light blue block at the top, and an olive green texture below. These dots, blocks, and textures belong to the most basic "dot" and "surface" structures of the picture, especially the large colored dots symbolizing plum blossoms. In terms of their independence, they are close to abstract expressionism, retaining the artist's strength, speed, and emotion in the creative process. The reason why it reminds the audience of the sky, mountain slopes, and flowers and leaves is entirely because the picture uses branches and trunks as concrete elements, bringing abstract parts back to reality.