Lu Daoyou's "Mao Zedong's Poems"

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Lu Daoyou's

Auction Information

Product:Lu Daoyou's "Mao Zedong's Poems"


Starting Price:SGD:200,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:170cm W:64.5cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Lu Daoyou, born in 1946 in Zibo, Shandong, has been passionate about calligraphy and painting since childhood. After decades of learning, research, exploration, and continuous innovation, he has developed his own unique style. As a contemporary Chinese calligrapher and painter, a national first-class calligrapher, and the founder of the Chinese bird body character, he collected some of his calligraphy and painting works and made brochures of silk on the Collection World Channel, which were presented as national gifts to the leaders of countries along the Silk Road. The content of this auction is Mao Zedong's Qinyuan Spring Snow, which has a unique style of calligraphy and painting. The calligraphy and painting are well preserved and have extremely high collection value!