Calligraphy by Liu Bingsen

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Calligraphy by Liu Bingsen

Auction Information

Product:Calligraphy by Liu Bingsen


Starting Price:SGD:130,000

Transaction Price:SGD:150,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Liu Bingsen (1937-2005), also known as Shu'an and Haicun, was born in Wuqing, Hebei. Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at Beijing Academy of Arts in 1962. Working at the Palace Museum received guidance from He Ershui, Zheng Yongxian, and Ning Fucheng. Formerly served as a researcher at the Palace Museum in Beijing, Vice Chairman of the China Calligraphy Association, and Vice Chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.