Qi Baishi Flowers and Fruits Vertical Axis with Four Screens

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Qi Baishi Flowers and Fruits Vertical Axis with Four Screens

Auction Information

Product:Qi Baishi Flowers and Fruits Vertical Axis with Four Screens


Starting Price:SGD:3,350,000

Transaction Price:SGD:5,500,000

Specification:283.8 x 54.2cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This group of four paintings respectively depict millennium peach fruit, loquat jade hairpin, pomegranate chicken crown, and grape skewers hanging. Peaches are as big as a bucket, and eating them can prolong a thousand years; There is a saying in ancient times that describes loquat: "The tree is lush with emerald leaves, and the kodi golden pill". Its fruit is round and golden, symbolizing "abundant wealth"; Pomegranates and grapes bear numerous seeds, symbolizing "having many children and grandchildren"; The cockscomb flower and jade hairpin symbolize "promotion to higher ranks" and "elevation to wealth and status". Fruits and flowers bloom together in a hall, displaying strong vitality, symbolizing many children and longevity, and endless blessings.