Qikun Green Landscape Vertical Axis

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Qikun Green Landscape Vertical Axis

Auction Information

Product:Qikun Green Landscape Vertical Axis


Starting Price:SGD:480,000

Transaction Price:SGD:500,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Qi Kun (1901-1944) was named Jingxi, also known as Jingxi Jushi, and his residence was called Songya Jingshe. Beijing people. At the beginning, I gained recognition from famous artists in Beijing by selling colors, and encouraged myself to learn. Due to the influence of the trend of tracing the Song and Yuan dynasties in the early Republic of China, he deliberately imitated ancient times and admired the landscape of Beizong. His paintings were meticulous in theory and technique, with exquisite brushstrokes and a dry and harmonious balance. Beijing had a certain influence in the 1920s and 1940s. Exquisite craftsmanship in the mountains and rivers is appreciated by the discerning people, and exquisite seal carving is also employed. Having a fondness for dogs, he has over ten dogs on and off the indoor bed without thinking, which can be described as a quirk. His landscape paintings are of a scale similar to that of Wang Hui. In the early years of the Republic of China, Wang Hui was regarded as "sacred and inviolable" in the Beijing art scene by the orthodox school, with a refined and clean style and a complete composition. The Qi family was also influenced and could be considered a leader among the various schools of learning from Wang. But the use of the pen is somewhat restrained and solid, with more stability and insufficient creativity. The disciples include Guo Chuanzhang, Liang Shunian, and others.