Pathos and galloping horses

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Pathos and galloping horses

Auction Information

Product:Pathos and galloping horses


Starting Price:SGD:90,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:100cm W:60cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The painting of galloping horses depicts horses galloping from far to near. The painter employs a technique of wide-angle perspective, showcasing the galloping speed of a galloping horse with a soaring hind leg and crossed forelegs. The brushstrokes are strong, the colors are light, the lines are robust, and there is a feeling of pleasure and elegance. This galloping horse, although thin in physique, has a strong and powerful pen, penetrating through the paper back. Its curved back and belly, elastic mane, outstretched legs, and horse head have a strong impact, calm and brave.