Fanzeng Luohan Subdues the Tiger

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Fanzeng Luohan Subdues the Tiger

Auction Information

Product:Fanzeng Luohan Subdues the Tiger


Starting Price:SGD:60,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:136cm W:68cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Fan Zeng (1938.7.5-), also known as Shiyi, was a contemporary Chinese scholar, thinker, master of traditional Chinese culture, master of calligraphy and painting, literary figure, political and diplomatic figure, and poet. I am currently a Chair Professor at Peking University, Honorary Dean of the Chinese Academy of Painting, and a Lifetime Professor at Nankai University. This artwork is a representative work of its unique art style and is worth collecting