Flowers and Birds by Yang Jin

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Flowers and Birds by Yang Jin

Auction Information

Product:Flowers and Birds by Yang Jin


Starting Price:SGD:880,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:88cm W:40cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Yang Jin was a court painter of the Qing Dynasty, known for his expertise in the art world. He was able to perfectly utilize the strengths of traditional meticulous painting, closely combining the artificial pavilions, terraces, and character movements with natural landscape scenery. He made excellent cuts in the structure, full but not stuffy, with a delicate and bright style, beautiful and fresh, and a very natural transition in levels. The painting "Riding a Cow in Shigu" depicts Shigu leisurely riding on the back of a cow, with a calm and peaceful demeanor, and a simple and lifelike appearance. Shigu, also known as Wang Hui, a great painter of the Qing Dynasty, was Yang Jin's teacher.