Qi Baishi's Ink Painting "Hundred Wealth Aristocratic Family"

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Qi Baishi's Ink Painting

Auction Information

Product:Qi Baishi's Ink Painting "Hundred Wealth Aristocratic Family"


Starting Price:SGD:780,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:135cm W:35.5cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Qi Baishi has always been a teacher of creation. In practical observation, he found that the little chicken did not show any humility or call for partners to share the worm, but rather competed with each other. Seven chicks rushed towards the earthworm in the lower left corner. The entire article is basically painted using the long method flat, and individual chicks use the dot pen technique on their heads. Thick and light ink, dry and wet pens, and round and long strokes are all natural, with the tip of the pen forming flowers where the ink falls. The shape of the head, claws, and body of the chick is exquisitely written. The shades of ink complement each other, and the texture of the fur is evident. Ink painting with light shading is the highest level of aesthetic appreciation in Chinese painting, a special theme in white stone works, I will paint a little chicken for twenty years. In ten years, I can achieve a similar appearance, and in ten years, I can achieve a similar spirit. Chicken is a common painting theme, but white stone also takes a different approach, giving the painting a new pattern. But these chicks each have their own posture, without any repetitive images, they are very cute, and their movements also have subtle differences. They gather towards the earthworms in the direction of the lower left corner of the screen, forming a scattered and aggregated shape, but with a novel structure and vivid shape, revealing a kind of innocence and childlike charm. The cabbage in the painting also reflects another meaning, "Baicai". The combination of cabbage and chicken reflects a kind of photography at that time, and ink painting is also a rare early work of Baishi, with higher collection value. Owner's seal: Qi Shi Idle Chapter: It's better to be idle than to think for a hundred ideas