Puru Landscape Figure Axis

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Puru Landscape Figure Axis

Auction Information

Product:Puru Landscape Figure Axis


Starting Price:SGD:450,000

Transaction Price:SGD:450,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Puru (1895-1963) was born in Beijing. Born in the Qing imperial family, with the surname Aixinjueluo and the courtesy name Xinshe, also known as Xihuang Shangren or Xishan Yishi. I have studied abroad in Germany, studying astronomy and biology. After returning to China, he devoted himself to poetry, literature, calligraphy and painting, and achieved great success. The painter is skilled in landscape painting, as well as in figures, flowers, and calligraphy. His landscape is based on the "Northern School" and is embellished by the Southern School's brushwork. His calligraphy is particularly skilled in cursive script, and he is a pillar figure in the northern calligraphy world alongside Zheng Chanxian and others. At that time, Beijing was a highly respected cultural celebrity.