Qing Dynasty White Jade Sprinkled with Gold Skin, Landscape Figures, Imperial Titles, Dashanzi

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Qing Dynasty White Jade Sprinkled with Gold Skin, Landscape Figures, Imperial Titles, Dashanzi

Auction Information

Product:Qing Dynasty White Jade Sprinkled with Gold Skin, Landscape Figures, Imperial Titles, Dashanzi


Starting Price:SGD:530,000

Transaction Price:SGD:580,000

Specification:H:26cm WT:2750g

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the Western Regions were pacified to ensure the source of high-quality jade materials. At this time, the craftsmanship of jade ware was meticulous in its materials, meticulously crafted, and striving for excellence in technology. The use of materials and production were not considered costly, and it had the characteristics of precision, multi-level, thinness, and ingenuity. Therefore, it has become a fixed noun and is called "Qianlong Gong", which is highly characteristic of the times. This mountain is shaped according to its shape, exquisitely carved with golden skin, without sharp turns or sharp square corners, showcasing the continuous and smooth undulations of the mountain itself. The Qianlong imperial inscription on the front is eye-catching and exquisite, outlining a graceful and elegant style. The mountains on the back overlap, and the pine trees echo each other in the distance, full of the beautiful meaning of pine and crane longevity.