Huanglong Jade Hand String

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Huanglong Jade Hand String

Auction Information

Product:Huanglong Jade Hand String


Starting Price:SGD:40,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Started in the Qing Dynasty and popular among the upper class. The imperial concubines of the Qing Dynasty all believed in Buddhism, and their lives were relatively dull. In order to get through the lonely palace life, most of the concubines recited scriptures and Buddha. In ancient China, a mother valued her son, and this was especially true in the imperial palace. Therefore, the concubines referred to each jade bead in their bracelets as a "son", with the hope of receiving the emperor's favor. The eighteen child bracelets worn by the empresses are generally made of materials such as jade, crystal, coral, agarwood, tourmaline, etc. Among them, the jade eighteen child bracelets are made of exquisite yellow dragon jade as the raw material. The Huanglong jade bracelet was originally derived from Buddhist beads, so to this day, most bracelets have maintained the habit of wearing 18 pieces. Some bracelets are made to showcase Buddhist teachings.