Ancient Jade Jade Bracelet

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Ancient Jade Jade Bracelet

Auction Information

Product:Ancient Jade Jade Bracelet


Starting Price:SGD:100,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


There are several explanations for the origin of jade names, one of which is derived from the name of a bird. This type of bird has very bright feathers, with male feathers being red, known as the Jade Bird (also known as the Red Feathered Bird), and female feathers being green, known as the Jade Bird (also known as the Green Feathered Bird), collectively known as Jade. Therefore, there is a saying in the industry that jade is male and jade is female. In the Ming Dynasty, after Burmese jade was introduced to China, it was named "jadeite". Another theory is that ancient "jade" specifically referred to the green jade produced in Hotan, Xinjiang. After jade was introduced to China, it was called "non jade" in order to distinguish it from Hotan green jade, and gradually evolved into "jade". As a resource type jade, its collection value is extremely high!