Contentment, "River Flowing", "Tang Yin's View of the Waterfall", "Jiangshan Forever", "Xunzi's encouragement to learn, accumulation of steps to accumulate small streams into the river"

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Auction Information

Product:Contentment, "River Flowing", "Tang Yin's View of the Waterfall", "Jiangshan Forever", "Xunzi's encouragement to learn, accumulation of steps to accumulate small streams into the river"


Starting Price:SGD:9,320,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


"Being content always brings joy" Natural art Hotan Jade natural landscape painting, natural foot Yazi pictographic jade and strange stones appreciation. The whole shape is a foot. The whiteness reaches sheep fat, the blackness is ink grade, delicate and oily, with strong powder and fat content. It is ripe, refreshing and clean. The material type is complete without cotton, cracks, or grain. A little bit refreshing. The proportion of black and white is about half each. Inner side of foot: "The Painting of High Mountains and Long Waters" in "Being content and content always brings joy" "The Painting of Watching Waterfalls" in "Being Satisfied and Happy" The overall structure of the picture is reasonable, with a distinct theme and a strong sense of three dimensionality. The layers of mountains, water, clouds, fog, and reefs are distinct, and a waterfall cascades down the middle, adding the finishing touch. The central river water is left blank, giving people ample space for natural imagination and artistic tension. Qingshan and reef rocks are tranquil, while waterfalls and clouds are dynamic. The shimmering water surface combines motion and stillness. The black and white color of the raw stone seed material blue and white, the solid shape of the feet, and the dynamic extension of the thousands of miles of walking all demonstrate the simple and rational philosophy of Tai Chi, Yin and Yang, one's life, two, two, three, and all things. Even the most famous painters of all ages can't draw landscapes in Hotan Yuli. Heaven made and earth made. God, something bestowed by God. Named "contentment always brings joy". Foot bottom: "Being content and always happy" - "Ping Bu Qing Yun" "Three Inch Golden Lotus" in "Satisfied and Happy" The picture is refreshing, with clear mountains, clouds, and sky, and layers arranged in an orderly manner. The entire painting is a black mountain, blue sky, and dark clouds ink painting, which fits perfectly with the flat feet of Jiaoyazi. It is named "Satisfied and Happy" in the poem "Ping Bu Qing Yun". The whole foot has a unique, clever, and humorous shape. At first glance, the shape of the appearance is speechless. Take a closer look at a woman's small feet, delicate, small, exquisite, transparent, cute, pleasing, and auspicious. This unique Hotan Jade stone is very unique, rare and rare. It is a natural work of art. It integrates the best of landscape painting, Hotan Jade and rare stones, and is extremely precious. 1. The combination of movement and stillness (the flowing mist waterfall and the still green mountain reef). 2. Black and white combined (black green mountains, reefs, white misty lake water). 3. The combination of virtual and real (the physical jade feet and the inner landscape are real, and walking thousands of miles through the landscape is virtual). 4. The combination of distance and closeness (the unique jade foot landscape formed by thousands of years of transportation and creation symbolizes eternal life and continuous cultivation - far away. Standing on solid feet and accumulating less leads to more, immersing oneself in it symbolizes a continuous journey of wind and rain - close). 5. Combining high and low (high mountains, low water). 6. Combination of fast and slow (fast waterfall, slow lake water). 7. The combination of realism and freehand brushwork (jade feet, landscape realism, rivers and mountains are eternal, mountains and rivers are high and long, traveling thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and thousands of streams flowing back to the sea). Realistic significance: highly artistic, playful, ornamental, collectible, and investment worthy. Combined with the implication of Hotan Jade strange stones: Mountains serve as a support, water is wealth, clouds, fog, and rocks. Business is thriving and life is colorful. "The Painting of Tang Yin Watching Waterfall" Down to earth "High Mountains and Long Waters" "The River Flows Long" "Rivers and Mountains are Like Paintings" Concrete and abstract meaning: "Rivers and mountains are forever fixed" (rivers and mountains are fixed to Hotan Yuli like paintings) Philosophical significance: "Xunzi's Persuasion on Learning: Accumulating Small Steps to a Thousand Miles, Accumulating Small Flows to Form Rivers and Seas" If there is a very valuable one.