In 1906, a pair of silver coins with the character "Zhong" were issued by the Ministry of Household during the Bingwu period

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In 1906, a pair of silver coins with the character

Auction Information

Product:In 1906, a pair of silver coins with the character "Zhong" were issued by the Ministry of Household during the Bingwu period


Starting Price:SGD:553,000

Transaction Price:SGD:620,000

Specification: D:3.9cm WT:26.2g

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


In 1906, a pair of silver coins with the character "Zhong" were minted by the Tianjin Mint General Factory of the Ministry of Revenue during the Bingwu reign. However, due to the unresolved controversy over the "two circles", they were only minted and not issued, making them rare in the world. They have always been regarded as key varieties for advanced collection by the older generation of collectors; The sample coin casting process is exquisite, with a mirror like bottom that is delicate and smooth like silk. The graphics and text on it are delicate and exquisite, with sharp edges and teeth; At the same time, the edge of the sample coin undergoes circular oxidation, forming a colorful rainbow that complements the beautiful base and is more artistic and infectious. As a rare and top-notch collection of Longyang treasures in the central series, its value will inevitably become increasingly prominent. Currently, it is the only runner up point in the company's rating record, with only one champion scoring half a point higher than this one